1661 SE 3rd Ave, #D 201, Portland, OR 97214

(503) 224-1282

Place to B logo

Tributary Hotel (Taylor-Dale Building)

Architect of Record: Ernie Munch

Completed: 2022

Location: McMinnville, Oregon

Katie Jackson and Shaun Kajiwara purchased the former hardware building, constructed in 1917 by J.L. Fletcher and most recently called Taylor-Dale. The historic brick façade and history attracted the owners to restore the building and adapt it to use as a luxury hotel above, restaurant on the ground floor, and wine cellar and lounge below. The project included seismic, energy efficiency, and storefront upgrades, matching original wood profiles and fluted transom glass, along with brick restoration, required fine craftsmanship and attention to detail. We ushered the project through McMinnville’s historic landmarks commission for approval to give the building at least another century of use and to help reinvigorate the historic downtown.


Taylor-Dale in News Register