Amity Reuse
Architect of Record: Corey Omey
Completed: 2016
Location: Amity, Oregon
Collaborators: The Façade Group
Constructed in 1905 by Masons, Amity flats stands as the oldest commercial brick structure in Amity to date. Serving as a Masonic Lodge and general goods store for many years, the building received a series of renovations throughout the years before beginning to fall into disrepair in the 21st century.
The scope of work for the renovation included extensive repairs to the rotting and crumbling structure, refinishing of internal spaces, and a functional rework to provide access for multiple apartments on the second floor. Additionally, a wine bar and rooftop patio were included in the program, tying into the cultural ties of the region’s modern-day winemaking pedigree. A new building creates required circulation and an entry for the new uses and serves as a juxtaposition and contrast between the historic and modern structures.